125m3/h 304 Stainless Steel UV Water Sterilizer with UV Disinfection Lamp for Industrial Water Treatment
Operation instructions:
1.Shut off the valve, and connect the power
2.The water can flow into the UV sterilizer while circuit is normal.
3.Start the power switch, the power indicator and working indicator on the control panel are both bright; please note that don't look directly at the UV lamp while inspecting UV light working or not.
4.If working stops,first cut off the water flow, and then turn off the power in case that next process of water quality would be polluted when water flows out without UV sterilizer treated.
5.The feed water transparency should be noted when this device is used for killing normal water quality. If necessary, the raw water should be precipitated and filtered to remove impurities and suspended solids, and then reduce the flow rate to get much better sterilizing efficiency.
6.If short stop is needed in use, UV lamp can continue to be bright, but the water flow has to be keep 7-8L/H in case that the sterilizing efficiency is affected when the temperature around the UV lamp rises.

1. Checking periodically,make sure that the UV lamp works OK
2. Please pay special attention to the UV lamp. it should keep working state, because repeated turn on or turn off, will seriously effect lamp life.
3. Replace the UV lamp, the first lamp power outlet unplugged, out of the UV lamp. When replacing a new lamp, take care not to touch the new glass with a finger, because the stain will affect the sterilization light, and carefully put the lamp into the stainless steel sterilizer.
4. If the water has hardness (calcium or magnesium) substances, iron or manganese, then the quartz tube needs regular cleaning. After cleaning the quartz tube should be put on a special plastic gloves will be carefully loaded into the quartz tube reactor, packed with sealing ring to check whether the phenomenon of leakage, plug in the power, so that the detection light stable light.
Note: UV on the bacteria have a strong lethality, the human body also have some damage, the most vulnerable parts of the human body is the eye of the cornea, so at any time can not be used to look directly at the eyes of the lamp, so as not to hurt , If you must see, the application of ordinary glass (wearing glasses) or translucent plastic film, as a protective mask. Do not mistake quartz glass, because ordinary glass is almost completely impossible to pass through the ultraviolet light. Once injured, do not panic, facial burns, a few days after the epidermis off, dead and more. Eye injuries will be swelling, tears, tingling, about three or four days to recover. In any case, in case of injury, it is recommended to seek medical treatment immediately.
Water quality factors that affect the disinfection efficiency and performance of the sewer UV treatment system
1. Industrial waste water components of the incoming wale
2. The upstream treatment process and the chemical agents used
3. The UV light transmittance of the incoming flow
4. Content of the suspended matters
5. Particle size distribution
Disinfection system factors that affect the disinfection efficiency and performance of the sewer UV treatment system
1. Hydrodynamic design of the sterilizer (Maximize the use of UV performance to increase the disinfector efficiency and reduce the water pressure loss
2. Lamp tube performance (including the system aging)
3. Arrangement of lamp tubes
4. Scale coefficient of lamp tubes
5. Performance of ballast
Design of the concise and lightweight bent frame
1. IP68 or equal grade of sealing protection. High-efficient secure multi-level sealing waterproof design.
2. The module adopts the push-in connectors with the less water resistance so as to guarantee the water incoming before disinfection and water discharge after disinfection.
3. There is little change in water level as to guarantee a stable sterilization effect.
4. It does not need any special tools to disassemble and assemble the disinfection module.
The cleaning ring of the quartz socket tube
Long-term contacting between the quartz socket tubes with the wastewater will surely generate scales, which must be cleaned effectively. The cleaning ring of this product is simple in structure and resistant to aging. The flexible cleaning parts of the cleaning ring can positively adapt to the quartz tubes. Even when the tubes are installed in deviations, the cleaning ring can ensure very good cleaning effect, namely, without abrading or damaging the quartz tubes.
Automatic cleaning device |
1. Mechanical self_cleaning device driven by compressed air;
2. The cleaning device and the uv light intensity detector are in linked operation;
3. Having (the optional) manual or automatic working statuses;
4. The low_abrasion and locking_free advantages have laid solid foundation for the UV system to realize the high_efficiency sterilization. |
Advanced control system |
1. The automatic control center has the remote_control and site_control functions, equipped with the world_class parts and components of superior quality and reliable operating performance.
2. The site control is conducted by the man_machine interface, which consists of the operation recording, fault alarming and maintenance warning functions, easy and simple to operate.
3. The UV intensity output and signal PLC link_control can be monitored online so as to guarantee the UV dosage which can achieve the designed disinfection effect. |
Applicable Range |
It is applicable to disinfection of water for the large, medium and small sewage treatment plants, landscape water, aquaculture water, reclaimed water recycling and hospitals. |
UV water disinfection system design has been carefully conceived to provide adequate germicidal dosage throughout the disinfection chamber. The dosage, as it applies to UV disinfection, is a function of time and the intensity of UV radiation to which the water is exposed. Exposure time is related to the flow rate, the higher the flow rate, the lower the exposure time or the lower the flow rate, the higher the exposure time. The UV intensity is the amount of energy, per unit time, emitted by germicidal lamp. The Dosage is the product of UV intensity and the exposure time.